Some Night in Autumn Rum
"Some Night In Autumn started with a molasses mashed (in this case meaning added to hot water) and co-fermented with dunder - a flavor and acid rich liquid leftover from our last rum distillation. The mash bill, or fermentation recipe, was crafted by Dean, our head of production. After fermentation, and before pumping the fermented mash over, Scott jumped inside the 600 gallon still to start hanging the 22.5lb turkey. Stills, by the way, are not necessarily designed to hang 22.5 lb turkeys in them.. so late into the evening, we were reaching, lifting, slipping and laughing — in the best of spirits - as we endeavored to join in on this time honored tradition from Oaxaca. The following morning, when the turkey was mostly thawed, we began our first distillation. Our second distillation was conducted the following day on our 300 gallon pot still. That final spirit was diluted with water and rested before bottling. Happy December! Cheers!"
The Producer
Start stocking the best this great wide world has to offer, the spirits will thank you.